Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Senja Di Kemudian Hari

prepare to seeing…

my nightfall…


“we will meet ,again..yu will come to me with yor oranges….

I have to wait about yu in there are…

Preparing a smile,

Preparing a notes is nice,,

And so yu will be beautifully today…

And don’t forget, I also bring a few some miss to yu,,


Really.. and so really…

I want yu can be good yor mind than yesterday..


“love is my hope and it is took into of the past time..

“love is my hope and it is took into of the end time…


Twilight ,nightfall or other word of means just sunshine…

A few lyric of song to yu,,,,




Yet, I see yu today,,,

And yor orangeshine I see it, yet or not….


My alone still wait yu…………………………….

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